Federkontaktstifte für Lade-Anwendungen und generelle Verbindungs-Lösungen in Endgeräten alternativ zu Steckverbindern
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Federkontaktstifte für Lade-Anwendungen und generelle Verbindungs-Lösungen in Endgeräten alternativ zu Steckverbindern
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Federkontaktstifte und Steckhülsen für Rasterabstände unter 1,27 mm (50 mil)
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Hochstrom-Kontaktstifte ab 50 A für Hochleistungs-Elektronik und Batteriezellen-Prüfung
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Federkontaktsifte und passende Steckhülsen für den Einsatz in In-Circuit-Testadaptern und Funktionstests
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For FIXTEST, "precisely fitting" means offering our customers the best contact solution. We either find the suitable Pogo Pin from our selection or provide expert advice on your path to a customized solution.
Together with our team of 22 employees, we manufacture our Pogo Pins in Engen, in the Hegau region. Here, we are committed to delivering the highest quality to our customers.
For us, our customers come first. That's why we aim to provide you with the best possible customer service. Our knowledgeable team is always available to assist you by phone or email.
Whether it's a standard product or a custom project development, we adhere to one principle in everything we do: The quality must be right!
Our key success factors are customer satisfaction and business development. Both are closely aligned with our core philosophy and serve as the driving force in our daily operations with you.
Since 2008, FIXTEST has been certified not only according to ISO 9001 but also to ISO 14001. This certification demonstrates the implementation of an environmental management system that ensures the continuous improvement of our company's environmental performance. Through this self-regulation, we aim to guarantee the best possible quality of our processes and products, especially for our customers.
In our corporate culture , sustainability is firmly established as a holistic approach. We believe that it is the responsibility of an industrial company to support the common good. For this reason, our actions extend beyond the aspect of environmental sustainability to include economic and social dimensions as well.
Our environmentally conscious actions permeate all areas of the company. Our ISO 14001-certified environmental standards in planning, production, and shipping ensure resource-efficient practices.
For FIXTEST, maintaining entrepreneurial capability is essential to making investments and preserving our location. Economic sustainability enables flexibility, as well as the preservation and creation of jobs.
We support local projects and promote charitable causes in the region. Employee training and development are also fundamental to us, as we contribute to their personal growth and advancement.